Ukrainian president claims church complicit in Russia's action


RISU, 27 November 2014


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko declared in his address to the newly elected parliament that religion plays an important role in the life of the state.


However he recalled that the occupation of Ukraine began with joint processions of the cross with the current aggressors.


"The question of national security also regards church problems. This is an extremely sensitive sphere which requires caution; where sharp movements are contraindicated; where before cutting, one measures not seven, but seventy-seven times. But from the experience of recent years we will never forget that sometimes preparation for the absorption of a country begins from what seems to be common prayers or processions of the cross. We all must remember love for the fatherland, love for Ukraine, and I am sure that this should be our first priority," the president said.


As is known, Igor Girkin is one of the leaders of terrorists in the east and a month before the capture of Crimea he visited Ukraine. He was a member of an Orthodox delegation that brought the gifts of the magi for veneration and, according to evidence of SBU workers, he used the trip for conducting intelligence activity on Ukrainian territory in Crimea. There is also confirmation that with this same goal Girkin systematically visited southern and eastern dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow patriarchate. (tr. by PDS, posted 1 December 2014)

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