Christian churches call for general participation in war effort


Religiia v Ukraine, 5 February 2015


On the initiative of Metropolitan of Lutsk and Volyn Mikhail, the local hierarch of UPTsKP, leaders of churches and confessions of Volyn province adopted a statement in support of conscription into the armed forces of Ukraine, Religiia v Ukraine reports citing the website of UPTsKP.


In particular, the document says that in circumstances of threat to the independence of Ukraine, it is necessary that government, society, and churches come together. Leaders of confessions of the territory urge the faithful within their own religious convictions to defend the state according to their own religious convictions: directly at the front, in the chaplaincy, by volunteer activity, and through aid to wounded troops and their families.


In addition, all Christians are called to continual prayers for peace.


We present the text of the statement:


Statement of the leaders of Volyn churches of various confessions in support of the order by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko of 14 January 2015 "On the decision of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine of 20 December 2014 'On several defense conscription questions.'"


For the first time since acquiring independence, Ukraine is faced with a threat from an external aggressor, who violating the norms of international law and principles of Christian morality is trying to destroy the freedom and choice of the Ukrainian people to independently construct their own future. The enemy is making efforts to destroy the sovereignty and integrity of our state. Today the Ukrainian people face the challenge to defend their motherland, their freedom and dignity, and the future of their children and grandchildren.


In view of the threats that face our state, the Volyn Council of Churches, which is composed under the provincial state administration by leaders of dioceses and provincial associations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev patriarchate, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, churches of Christians of Evangelical Faith—Pentecostals, churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, and churches of Seventh-Day Adventists, expresses support for the order of the Ukrainian president which is intended to strengthen defense capability and the protection of the sovereignty, integrity, and independence of Ukraine.


Victory over the aggressor requires the consolidation of the government and all of society along with the churches. Victory will be obtained by joint efforts of both those who fight in the ATO zone and those who work as volunteers on peaceful territory for providing the army all that is needed. Nobody can remain on the sidelines from the struggle for the sake of liberty and our future.


We recognize the right of the individual and state to defend themselves from invaders who intend evil, and sow death, grief, and tears in our land. In addition, we declare that the church of Christ is called by the Lord to sow peace among people, to urge love and forgiveness, to bless and not curse, and to do good to all.


We call Christians not to remain indifferent and to defend their state to the extent of their religious convictions and capability. For the sake of common victory, some will go into the army and others may work to the best of their ability to help the army: the chaplaincy, volunteerism, compassionate ministry in hospitals, for families of service personnel, and those wounded in combat.


Let us pray for peace in our state, for the victory of good over evil, and for the establishment of justice and liberty! Let us pray for all troops who are giving their lives for our sake! Let us ask God for help and blessing, because he will not leave those who place their hope in him! May from God's loving kindness times of peace and prosperity come to the Ukrainian land!


Metropolitan Mikhail, ruling bishop of Volyn diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev patriarchate;

Metropolitan Nifont, ruling bishop of Volyn diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow patriarchate;

Bishop Vitaly Skomarovskii, ordinary of the Lutsk diocese of the Roman Catholic Church;

Bishop Iosafat, exarch of the Lutsk Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church;

Bishop Mikhail Blizniuk, president of the Volyn Association of Churches of Christians of Evangelical Faith—Pentecostals;

Bishop Yaroslav Trotsky, president of the Volyn Association of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists;

Anatoly Antoniuk, senior pastor of churches of Seventh-Day Adventists in Volyn province.  (tr. by PDS, posted 5 February 2015)

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