Smallest Ukrainian Orthodox church invites intrusion in Ukraine by Constantinople


RISU, 7 June 2015


The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church is ready to renounce its autocephaly and to become a part of the Constantinople patriarchate with the right of a metropolia.


An appeal with such a request to Patriarch Bartholomew was adopted by the delegates to the 5th local sobor on 6 June in Kiev. The authors of the document consider that as a part of Constantinople, UAPTs will not lose its "majestic and martyr's" history.


"The local sobor before the face of the Mother-Church of Constantinople, in the name of the entire plenitude of our church, addresses to you a request: casting off every prejudice restore historical justice by receiving our Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church into the Ecumenical Patriarchate as a metropolitanate with the rights of a self-administering structure which it had before its accession in 1686 to the Moscow church. This will give the possibility to millions of Orthodox Ukrainians to enter into prayer and eucharistic fellowship with world Orthodoxy, since the absence of unity reflects hurtfully upon their spiritual condition," the appeal says.


Delegates to the 5th local sobor of UAPTs note that restoration of the Kiev metropolitanate will become a primary model of the structure of canonical life in Ukraine. They even have prepared a number of points with whose help the UAPTs and Constantinople will be able to realize this "blessed" dream in life. Among them are the involvement of leading theologians of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in discussion of problems of the division in Ukrainian Orthodoxy, the conduct of round tables, and the opening of a representation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Kiev or in Lvov, which will become the organizational center of inter-church activity in questions of involving unrecognized Orthodox parishes of Ukraine in a full-fledged life within the world Orthodox Church.


"At the same time, in resolving the question of the UAPTs, we are not renouncing the majestic and martyr's history and traditions of our church. The strategic goal of our church remains unchanged—the creation of a united canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church," the participants of the UAPTs sobor write. (tr. by PDS, posted 8 June 2015)

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