Moscow-oriented Ukrainian church aids Russian assimilation of Crimea


Religiia v Ukraine, 24 June 2015


On 11 June a session of a round table on issues of inter-ethnic and interconfessional relations and inter-ethnic peace and harmony on the peninsula was held in the prosecutor's office of the Russian-annexed republic of Crimes, under the chairmanship of the prosecutor general of the republic, Natalia Poklonskaia. Under consideration were issues of mutual respect for various peoples and confessions of Crimea and the impermissibility of the spread of religious extremism and destructive sects, Religiia v Ukraine reports with reference to the website of the UPTsMP diocese of Simferopol and Crimea.


Participants in the discussion of these questions included a deputy chairman of the council of ministers of Crimea, Ruslan Balbek, and representatives of the Ministry of Education, law enforcement agencies, and religious and national-cultural organizations.


In particular, a report was delivered by the secretary of the UPTs diocese of Simferopol and Crimea, rector of the Sts. Peter and Paul cathedral church, and secretary of the interconfessional council of Crimea "Peace is a Gift of God," Archpriest Alexander Yakushechkin. With the blessing of Metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea Lazar, a suggestion for harmonizing state-religion relations was introduced, which was voiced by Archpriest Alexander in his speech.


"In our speeches and sermons, we testify that people who sincerely profess religious ideals of good always strive not for upheavals and revolutions but for mutual understanding and cooperation. And today, taking into account changes in the political situation on our peninsula, such cooperation in the sphere of state-religion relations should take on new forms and directions," Archpriest Alexander Yakushechkin said. He noted that "we are obliged" to do this by the order of Russian President V. Putin regarding measures for the rehabilitation of several peoples who suffered from the soviet regime. Thus, on 15 May of this year, in order to achieve the provisions of this order, the Interconfessional Council of Crimea adopted a joint appeal with resect to the deportation of Crimean peoples in 1941-1944. Also the attention of the Crimean council of ministers was called "to the necessity of adopting immediate measures for restoring historical justice and cooperation in the social and spiritual regeneration of Crimean peoples who were repressed in the past."


"Especially important for the church and state may be the program for restoration of medieval Christian caves monasteries of Crimea: The Annunciation caves monastery of Mt. Mangup (Bakhchisarai district), the skete of Anastasia the Liberator (Kachi-Kalon, Bakhchisarai district), the Holy Martyr Theodore the Commander [Stratelates] near the village of Maloe Sadovoe, Bakhchisarai district, and the unique sacred monuments of other traditional confessions," the representative of the UPTs Crimean diocese said.


"With a goal of strengthening state-religion relations and in connection with the transfer of a number of objects from Ukrainian state ownership to republic of Crimea ownership, it would be useful to develop a plan for returing to religious organizations real property for religious purposes that is in state or municipal ownership," the UPTs priest continued. "In order to take into account the opinions of the religious sphere of Crimea, it would be appropriate to consider the question of including in the membership of the Public Chamber of the republic of Crimea representatives of traditional confessions of the peninsula, as is the case in the Public Chamber of Russia, and also in the Commission of Issues of Pardons on the territory of the republic of Crimea. In order to impliment the right of parents of schoolchildren to free choice in the study of modules of the 'Foundations of religious culture and secular ethics' ('Foundations of Orthodox culture,' 'Foundations of Muslim culture,' 'Secular ethics,' etc.), to recommend to the administrations of educational institutions to invite clergy of traditional confessions (in accordance with existing subject modules) to participate in and conduct parents' meetings. To consider as impermissible the practice of a school's principal making a unilateral (without consultation with the parental community) decision with respect to choice of a module of the 'Foundations of religious culture and secular ethics.'"


In its turn, "the Simferopol and Crimea diocese is prepared for closer and more constructive cooperation with agencies of government in the sphere of conducting cultural and educational projects on the history and culture of the peoples of Crimea," the priest said.


On the basis of the results of discussion, specific suggestions were developed aimed at helping confessions and communities to operate within the Russian legal field, to protect their interests, and to raise the level of their participation in building a common model of the development of the peninsula. (tr. by PDS, posted 24 June 2015)

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