Ukrainian clergy support Russian dominion in Crimea


Religiia v Ukraine, 26 June 2015


Clergy of the Simferopol and Crimea diocese of the UPTsMP are ever more often using in public traditional Russian rhetoric, acting in accordance with the new political situation in Crimea, a correspondent of the portal Religiia v Ukraine reports.


A few days ago, there was a graduation of students of the Nakhimov Black Sea Advanced Naval School of the order of the Red Banner and a solemn ceremony of commissioning of the graduates of the school. The 64th class of the Nakhimov school included 19 lieutenants and 32 warrant officers, who will continue to serve in the naval forces of the Russian federation, the website of the Crimea diocese of UPTs writes.


An aide to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the RF for work with the personal staff, Captain Andrei Palii, read a statement from Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoiga to the graduates of the advanced military school. The commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian federation, Admiral Alexander Vitko, delivered a congratulatory speech to the newly fledged officers.


The dean of the Sevastopol district, Archpriest Sergei Khaliuta, blessed the graduates for service to the fatherland. "The Lord gave you great strength and he gave you the honor to be defenders. In sacred scripture the Lord says that there is no greater achievement than to lay down one's life for one's friends; than to be a defender of the faith and the fatherland. You are not only defenders of the borders of Russia. You are defenders of the borders of the whole Orthodox world," he said in his parting address.


The Crimean priest of the UPTs told the Russian troops: "You are not only protectors of the borders of Russia. You are protectors of the borders of the whole Orthodox world." The rector of the domestic church of the Black Sea Fleet dedicated to the righteous warrior Feodor Ushakov, Archpriest Igor Tyshkevich, also participated in the event.


The dean of the Sevastopol district, Archpriest SergeiKhaliuta, also took part in the solemn ceremony of graduation of cadets of the Sevastopol Presidential Cadet School of Russia. This year, 38 students completed their study and 34 of them were chosen for matriculation in military educational institutions.


The website of the Simferopol diocese of UPTs reported that on this festive day, Father Sergei delivered to the library of the Sevastopol Presidential Cadet School a gift edition of the History of the Russian State by N.M. Karamzin.


Previously, the clergy of the Simferopol diocese of UPTs blessed military equipment of the Russian service personnel in Crimea. Quite recently the diocese announced an initiative for closer cooperation with the Russian authorities. (tr. by PDS, posted 29 June 2015)

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