Whether to open criminal case in pogrom yet to be decided


RIA Novosti, 21 August 2015


Displays damaged by "Orthodox activists" during an attack on an exhibit of sculptures in the Manezh in Moscow represent, in the opinion of experts, cultural value, the head of the press service of the Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, Andrei Galiakberov, told RIA Novosti on Friday.


The leader of the public Orthodox movement God's Will, Dmitry Tsorionov, nicknamed Enteo, along with his colleagues on 14 August smashed sculptures of the 1960s-1970s at an exhibit in Moscow "Sculptures that we do not see," declaring that they hurt believers' feelings. After the incident, the Manezh press service told RIA Novosti that several sculptures by Vadim Sidur were damaged and several works were smashed. The police sent the damaged sculptures for expert analysis in order to determine their cultural value.


"Specialists of the Academician I.E. Grabar All-Russian Art Restoration Center confirmed the cultural value of the displays that were sent for expert analysis within the framework of an assessment of the incident in the Manezh," he said, adding that within the framework of the technological expert analysis, experts still have to determine the extent of the damage done to four linographs and one sculpture in the form of a head.


On the basis of the final results of the expert analysis, police will make a procedural decision about opening or refusing to open a criminal case. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 August 2015)

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