Diverse ways that Jehovah's Witnesses violate Russian law


Sectarians violated the law "more than three may not congregate"

Donday, 30 December 2015


The prosecutor's office in Shakhti fined two adherents of the religious society of Jehovah's Witnesses. The sectarians, who stationed themselves on Shevchenko Street in from of the entrance to the central park, tried to draw residents of Shakhti to their faith.


"These citizens violated the law 'On meetings, rallies, demonstrations, parades, and pickets,'" the prosecutor's office of the city explained. "They organized and conducted a picket, that is, they expressed their opinion without a procession and use of sound amplifying equipment, and they did not submit notification about a public event."


The Witnesses used an information stand on which religious literature was displayed. As it turned out, the brochure "How to find satisfaction in life" contains a reference to the website of the religious society of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is listed by Roskomnodzor in the register of prohibited domain names.


The activists were fined 10,000 rubles each and warned that the next time they may be help responsible for "extremist activity." (tr. by PDS, posted 31 December 2015)

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