Orthodox leader in Moldova tries to calm passions


RIA Novosti, 24 January 2016


Metropolitan of Kishinev and all-Moldova Vladimir expressed concern regarding disorders at the building of the parliament of the country that broke out on Wednesday in Kishinev and he called citizens to peaceful actions.


Since Wednesday, mass protests have been conducted in Moldova by supporters of the left opposition, the party of socialists and Our Party, and also by the center-right Civil Platform DA [Demnitate și adevăr = DA; "Dignity and Truth"], who oppose the elected government of [Prime Minister Pavel] Filip and insist on the dissolution of parliament and the conduct of early parliamentary elections.


On the first day, immediately after the election of the government, a scuffle broke out at one of the rear doors between rallying supporters of DA and the police who were guarding the parliament building. As a result of several clashes, dozens of protesting adherents of the Platform DA broke into the building of the supreme legislative body of the republic. During the clashes, 31 persons were injured, including 27 police, 11 of whom were hospitalized. The office of the prosecutor general of the country opened a criminal case regarding the mass disorders.


Metropolitan Vladimir called believers to protect their children and the future of their families.


"It is distressing that in recent days our society has been upset by incitement to hatred and violence. This divides our people. Any disputes arising in society should be resolved by peaceful means. Christians, regardless of nationality and political orientation, should live together in a spirit of peace and love. We call for wisdom and understanding," declared Metropolitan Vladimir. (tr. by PDS, posted 26 January 2016)

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