Conscientious objectors win right to perform civilian service


Toliatti.Ru, 13 July 2017


In Toliatti, the results of the spring draft campaign for the army were presented. The military commissar for the Central and Komsomol districts, Viacheslav Chursaev, explained that the plan for dispatch was 765 persons and it was completely fulfilled. Two persons were sent for alternative service. They will work in the second medical clinic.


The youths are believers and they submitted documents that they are members of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and they proved that they are not prepared to take the oath of allegiance to the motherland.


"The draft commission considered their applications six months before the draft. The results of this review were sent to the provincial military committee and the Ministry of Labor of Samara province. After studying the requisitions of institutions where free labor is needed, the place of service was found for them. As a rule, we have one or two youths in each draft who, on the basis of similar motives, we send to alternative service," Gorodskie Vedomosti quotes Viacheslav Chursaev.


We note that on 20 April the Russian Supreme Court ruled the organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" to be extremist and it prohibited its activity. The court also ruled to transfer the property of the organization to state revenue. Later it was reported that on 17 July the Appellate College of the Russian Supreme Court will review an appeal of the ruling about the liquidation of the religious organization. (tr. by PDS, posted 13 July 2017)

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