Identity of subjects of criminal case confirmed


SOVA Center for News and Analysis, 9 February 2018


On 9 February it became known that it is members of the Kemerovo congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses who are the subject of a criminal case. The case was opened on 19 January and by 23 January searches in at least 12 homes of believers had been conducted with the armed support of Russian Guards. The citizens were denied the possibility of making telephone calls or summoning lawyers; telephones, tablets, computers, personal effects, and data storage devices were confiscated from them. This was reported by the European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses. (tr. by PDS, posted 9 February 2018)

Background article:
Unidentified religious group rounded up by police; Are they Jehovah's Witnesses?
February 1, 2018

Russia Religion News Current News Items

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