Pope Francis criticizes Belarus' rules for Catholic priests


RIA Novosti, 27 March 2018


The head of the Roman Catholic Church of Belorussia, Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, is displeased with restrictions for foreign priests who may not conduct masses in the country without permission of the authorities.


Earlier Catholic bishops of Belorussia, at a meeting with Roman Pope Francis in the Vatican, touched on the situation for priests who arrive in the republic from abroad. According to information of the Roman Catholic Church of Belorussia, the pontiff was surprised that foreign priests, who visit the republic as tourists, may not conduct mass without permission of the authorities.


"It is incomprehensible for people who know the situation in the world and the Catholic church that a priest who. . . like any other person may come to Belorussia for five days (the five-day visaless rules apply for citizens of 80 countries who arrive through the Minsk national airport—ed.), may not conduct services (in Belorussia) without permission of the commissioner for affairs of religions (and nationalities—ed.)" Kondrusiewicz told journalists on Tuesday.


The head of the Belorussia Catholic also added that "nowhere in the world" is there such a practice.


Roman Pope Francis earlier noted that the situation for foreign priests in Belorussia "contradicts the general trend of the internationalization of the ecumenical church." (tr. by PDS, posted 28 March 2018)

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