Russian government bodies compete for Jehovah's Witnesses' property


Sakhalin.Info, 3 March 2020


The State Inspection of Labor in Sakhalin oblast is ready for the move. As of today, its office in Iuzhno-Sakhalinsk is located at 38 Anton Buiukla Street. The new home of the labor inspectorate will be the former Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witnesses, located at 676 Prospect Pobedy.


In 2017, the Russian Supreme Court ordered the liquidation of the international religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and the prohibition of its activity on the territory of the country. Sakhalin Jehovists were based in the Kingdom Hall at 676 Prospect Pobedy, but after the organization was ruled to be extremist, the building was transferred into the jurisdiction of Rosimushchestvo.


By order of the Federal State Property Management Agency [i.e., Rosimushchestvo], the empty Kingdom Hall was transferred to the jurisdiction of the operational management of the State Inspection of Labor in Sakhalin oblast. The building will be used for conducting state supervision and enforcement of compliance with labor laws in the island region. The date for the move has not been specified.


At present, the office at 38 Anton Buiukla Street is also under the administration of the inspectorate. After the move, the question of transfer of the premises will be resolved jointly with the Federal State Property Management Agency.


We recall that earlier the city administration of Iuzhno-Sakhalinsk had plans for the former Kingdom Hall. Mayor Sergei Nadsadin said at a press conference in July 2018 that there is an excellent concert hall inside, which students of the children's music school would like to use. But conversations with Rosimushchestvo did not bear fruit and the building was not turned over to the administration. (tr. by PDS, posted 3 March 2020)

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