Conditions for visiting churches spelled out


Interfax-Religiia, 6 June 2020

A whole series of sanitary rules appeared in Russian churches from the moment of their opening after a two-month quarantine, the Russian Orthodox Church reported.


"Parishioners will be required to come into a church only in masks. If they arrive without masks, then workers of the church are required to give a parishioner a mask, and we will observe this regime until the quarantine measures are relaxed or replaced," the head of the synod's Department for External Church Relations, Metropolitan Ilarion, reported on the broadcast Church and World on the Rossiia-24 television channel.


Recently in the regions, parishioners again began to visit churches, depending on the conditions of the epidemic. On Saturday, the doors of the churches of Moscow opened, which had been closed on 13 April at the recommendation of sanitary authorities, because of the threats of the spread of the coronavirus. Opening the churches was permitted on condition of the observance of social distancing within them; for each parishioner there must be no less than four square meters of space in the church.


Metropolitan Ilarion explained that in each church of Russia, the square meters allotted for parishioners are calculated and the maximum number of persons who may attend the worship services is calculated. Those who are not accommodated inside the church must either stay outside and listen to a broadcast, if there is one, and then the priest can come out to them and give them communion "or they will be redirected to a neighboring church."


Inside churches, markings will be made on the floor and each person will have to stand on the designated space. Volunteers will see to this and they will control so that more people than allowed by the current rules will not enter the church.


In addition, the metropolitan added, kissing icons will be restricted: in many churches it will be temporarily suspended while is some it will occur, but the space of each contact with the glass will be treated with a towel with alcohol.


"Communion will be conducted as it always is, with the only difference being that people will not crowd around the chalice, as usually occurs in our churches, and they will approach one at a time, observing distancing," the RPTs hierarch said. While after each communicant, the spoon will be treated with an alcohol solution.


The RPTs representative urged elderly parishioners to refrain for a time from visiting churches in order to protect their life and health. (tr. by PDS, posted 8 June 2020)

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