Clerical pandemic denier punished by secular court


Znak, 7 July 2020


A judge of the judicial district No. 3 of Verkhnaia Pyshma found Schehegumen Sergius (Nikolai Romanov) guilty of violation of part 9 of article 13.15 of the Code of Administrative Violations of Law ("Dissemination on the internet of socially significant information known to be unreliable in the guise of reliable communications, creating a threat of harm to life and/or health of citizens, if these actions of the person disseminating the information do not contain a criminally punishable act") for denying the coronavirus. As a correspondent of reports, the court fined him 90,000 rubles. The court's decision may be appealed.


Schehegumen Sergius did not appear in court; he was represented by attorney Svetlana Gerasimova. The position of the defense amounted to the fact that Schehegumen Sergius delivered a sermon in the Central Urals convent for novices and residents. That is, the text for which he was being tried was not aimed at the masses at large. Sergius, according to the attorney, did not participate in the distribution of the video, since he did not make it, did not post it on the internet, and did not even know that the video with his sermon was published on YouTube.


The attorney also declared that now there is an attempt to "bring the priest to justice for performing his required duties as a representative of the RPTs [Russian Orthodox Church]," which, in her opinion, is a "transgression on the part of an official."


In addition, the attorney declared that law enforcement agencies conducted an inquiry in violation of proper procedures. In particular, she stated that Schehegumen Sergius, on 24 June, did not sign an affidavit regarding familiarization with the materials of the case, inasmuch as she has been engaged since 8 June with all the affairs of her client connected with the trial. The attorney petitioned for finding the evidence to be falsified, but the court refused her request.


In connection with the enumerated circumstances, the attorney requested to end the proceedings on the case.


In court, she also read the schehegumen's testimony. "I denounced not people, but evil, and I called everybody to repentance (repentance is a change of mind—attorney's comment), and a change of relationship with God. If my words upset somebody and they do not agree, then that is their personal opinion. Why did I speak? In order to emphasize that people are eternal. A person is an immortal soul. By this I accent a thousand-year-old culture," Sergius said in his appeal to the court.


In turn, the court read a part of Sergius' testimony in the prosecutor's office, which he gave on 30 April. In it the schehegumen declared that he does not believe the statistics regarding the coronavirus. "Doctors are being bribed so that they will give a diagnosis of 'coronavirus.' I, Sergius, never called anybody to rebellion and uprising," he said.


After the court session, attorney Svetlana Gerasimova stated that the defense does not agree with the verdict and will protest it. She said that a document was found in the case "supposedly signed by her client, but in fact it is not clear by whom." "The defense insisted upon removing this document as inadmissible evidence, but this petition was denied," Gerasimova declared. She insists that in such a case the court has made an incorrect decision, based on dubious documentation.


Earlier, a church court unfrocked Schehegumen Sergius for the video on YouTube with recordings of sermons in which he spoke about the creation of "an electronic concentration camp of Satan," cursed the leadership of the RPTs for closing churches during the pandemic, and spoke out against top officials of the state. The decision of the diocesan court has not taken effect since Patriarch Kirill has not signed it.


Immediately after this, supporters of the priest declared that they will not desert him and will not surrender the Central Urals convent, where he is holed up. Yesterday Metropolitan Kirill sent an open letter to Sergius in which he accused Sergius in effect of lying, vanity, and spreading schizophrenic nonsense, and he denied him the chance of maintaining his monastic status. (tr. by PDS, posted 7 July 2020)

Background articles:
Radical conservative Orthodox cleric faces secular court
June 11, 2020
Church court rules conservative priest unworthy of clerical status
July 3, 2020

Russia Religion News Current News Items

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