Major Muslim holiday observed within pandemic conditions


Interfax-Religiia, 30 July 2020


The chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Ravil Gainutdin, sent greetings to Muslims of the country on the occasion of Kurban-Bayram [also known as Eid al-Adha--tr.] and he wished everybody peace and health.


"I pray the Almighty for removal of the distress of the coronavirus from all of humanity, for healing of the sick, for health and strength for medical workers, for wisdom for our elected rulers, and for peace and harmony in our beloved Fatherland, Russia, and in all the world!" Gainutdin's statement says, which was published on Thursday.


Kurban-Bayram [means "celebration of sacrifice"--tr.] was established in memory of the time when the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) decided to sacrifice his son in order to demonstrate his fidelity to God, but at the last moment the Almighty substituted a sheep for this sacrifice. Following tradition, on the day of the holiday Muslims must slaughter a sacrificial animal for atonement of their sins.


Meanwhile Mufti Gainutdin in his statement quoted the Quran to the effect that neither meat nor the blood of animals reaches Allah but only the fear of God reaches him. "The better way to draw near to the Lord and to display obedience to him is to do good, to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood, family, and friendship. This is how the believing Muslim should be sinc ere, bringing peace, security, mercy, aid, and support," the mufti notes.


He said that today's reality is such that ensuring safety entails restricting face-to-face relations and avoiding gatherings of a large number of people.


"Filled with feelings of gratitude and humility before Almighty Allah, wearing holiday clothing, and with smiles on our faces and joy in our spirit we intend to conduct this holiday with those who are closest, household members . . . and giving the joy of the holiday to everybody around," Gainutdin concluded.


This year Kurban-Bayram will be celebrated on 31 July. Because of the threat of the coronavirus, restrictions on the number of worshipers have been introduced in many regions. In Moscow, Friday prayer will be held only in the Cathedral Mosque in the presence of clergy and employees of the muftiate. Others will be able to watch the holiday service by broadcast. (tr. by PDS, posted 30 July 2020)


Interfax-Religiia, 29 July 2020

Muslims of Moscow will be able to order for Kurban-Bayram the performance of the ritual of animal sacrifice in their name and the delivery of the meat of the sacrificial animal at their home; this will cost them the sum of around 8,000 rubles.


"The tradition service, which we introduced several years ago, is to order the sacrificial animal at our home. The average cost, if a person goes and does the ritual of animal sacrifice himself, is 8,000 rubles [about $110—tr.], and with delivery it is somewhere around 8,500," the vice-chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia and mufti of Moscow oblast, Rushan Abbiasov, said at a press conference on Wednesday.


He said that the Muslim community has specially designated places for animal sacrifice. These are slaughter-houses, special farms, where sacrificial animals are raised and believers can go there and, while observing social distances in masks, perform the ritual of sacrifice.


The mufti explained that around 20 such places function in Moscow oblast and New Moscow; their addresses will be posted on official websites of the community.


As for the request of animal rights advocates to replace the sacrifices with more humane methods, Abbiasov responded with a refusal, noting that the ritual slaying is conducted in a more humane manner than in the animal industry. "They cut the carotid artery so that it does not suffer, so that it is all very easy," he explained, pointing out that the Prophet Muhammad taught to treat sacrificial animals well and he ordered to sharpen the knife very sharp before the slaughter.


Abbiasov also called vegetarianism a fad and expressed support for the tradition that has "lasted 14 centuries now and nobody has ended it thus far." (tr. by PDS, posted 30 July 2020)

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