Belarus president points to the religious aspect of conflict


Interfax-Religiia, 18 August 2020


Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko thinks that the opposition is dragging the country toward an inter-confessional struggle.


As quoted by the state news agency Belta, he said one of the points of the opposition's program is the creation of a Belorussian Autocephalous Orthodox Church as a counterweight to the Belorussian exarchate of the Moscow patriarchate.


"We have always taken pride that we have inter-confessional peace and nobody bothers anybody. Neither Orthodox nor Catholics. Muslims live happily in our country, and the Jews, and so forth. We are now being plunged into war, into an inter-confessional struggle, both on this basis and on an inter-ethnic basis. And it will turn out that what we have always taken pride in will be rejected and disgraced," Lukashenko declared at a conference in the Security Council.


The president also declared the intention of the opposition to introduce, in his words, a "creeping" ban of the Russian language. "They do not talk openly, but a creeping ban of the Russian language. The concept of criminal responsibility for insulting the Belorussian language is being introduced. Listen. Was it ever the case that we insulted our native language? That never happened," he said.


"As regards the topic of language, the opposition also proposed to transfer the army to the Belorussian language and by 2030 to introduce education in the Belorussian language from the kindergartens to the universities," Lukashenko announced.


He does not agree with this suggestion. He said, "We have determined how we act in the matter of the Belorussian and Russian languages. They are our state languages. We have agreed that we will not make a issue of this topic. . . . There is no need to stir up the language problem!" the president added. (tr. by PDS, posted 18 August 2020)

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