Moscow church in Belarus undercuts street protests


Interfax-Religiia, 21 August 2020


The Belorussian Orthodox Church [BPTs] called its clergy to refrain from participation in political life and called its flock not to succumb to provocations against the backdrop of events occurring in the country.


"We again remind the clergymen of the promise they gave before God not to participate in the political life of society, so as not to be a temptation and cause of division of the people," an explanation published on Friday by the synodal Department for Relations of Church and Society of the BPTs says.


At the same time, it is noted that the Orthodox church "considers it inconsistent with its mission to urge participation or nonparticipation in political demonstrations, but it decisively condemns all forms of violence, incitement of hatred, and intolerance toward anyone, whether physicians, police, teachers, representatives of the government, or any other social groups."


The document expresses the hope that competent agencies will conduct investigations of all "blatant cases of the manifestation of cruelty" and it contains a call for the immediate restoration of peace, unity, and mutual understanding.


Along with this it is mentioned that in all Orthodox churches and monasteries of Belorussia during the liturgies special entreaties and prayers are raised "for the Belorussian people." The church calls all believing residents of Belorussia and all those who are not indifferent to the future of the republic to pray for this.


"As regards participation in public life and matters of personal expression, we ask each person to manifest wisdom and restraint so that our faith and trust in God and symbols of the church will not be used by anyone as an instrument for achieving political or other worldly goals that are far from the high spiritual and moral ideals that the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, and his holy church proclaim to us," the statement says.


"Take care of yourselves and those who are dear to you and do not surrender to provocations, deceitful appeals, and promises, but in everything act as guided by the evangelical moral law and the legislation of the republic of Belarus," the authors of the document conclude. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 August 2020)

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