Belarusian government restricts head of Catholic Church


He returned to Poland

TUT.BY, 31 August 2020


Metropolitan Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz returned to Poland after spending a little more than three hours at the Kuznitsa Belostokskaya—Bruzgi border crossing. He is still not permitted in Belarus, with no explanation of the reason, the press secretary of the Belorussian Catholic Church, Father Yury Sanko, told TUT.BY.


The diocesan vehicle in which the metropolitan was riding crossed the Belorussian border and the driver traveled to Minsk. Metropolitan Kondrusiewicz returned to Polish territory.


"We will request an explanation at the State Border Committee and the MVD and we will await the return to his fatherland of the head of the Catholic Church of Belarus," Yury Sanko said.


Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz was returning today, 31 August, from Poland where he was on a business trip. The State Border Committee refused comment. Meanwhile, TUT.BY is learning whether there can be any legal basis for preventing a Belorussian from going home.


We recall that article 30 of the constitution of the republic of Belarus says: "Citizens of the republic of Belarus have the right to travel freely and choose a place of residence within the borders of the republic of Belarus, to leave it, and to return without hindrance." In addition, the right of return to the country of citizenship is guaranted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the U.N.O. and the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights, which Belarus has ratified.


Catholics are called to prayer for Kondrusiewicz: "In these difficult times for all of us, let us mobilize in prayer and also display special solidarity and support for one another in any situation, because we are one great family." (tr. by PDS, posted 31 August 2020)
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