Moscow church leader in Belarus indulges Russian propaganda


RISU, 15 September 2020


The new patriarchal exarch of all Belarus of the RPTs [Russian Orthodox Church], Metropolitan Veniamin, made a number of "programmatic" statements in an interview with the propaganda channel "Russia Today." This was reported by the portal Credo.Press.


The metropolitan spoke out against "belarusization" and autocephaly of the Belorussian church and against its "participation in politics," and he urged leaving to God's judgment those who beat unarmed protesters in Minsk, humbly awaiting the proclamation of a new constitution and new elections of the president of the country.


"The church's position should be neutral," Veniamin said, in commenting on violence against peaceful residents and the falsification of the president's election. "The church should be a place of meeting for people of different worldviews, different political views, educational levels, interests, and so forth,"


Moreover he made it clear that the emotions of protesters are connected with their sinfulness: when "some feelings within the heart not only come out and harm other people, they harm the person himself and are why the heart hurts and other problems arise."


The metropolitan called the topic of autocephaly "alien" for the Belorussian Church. "This is being mentioned, but it is being mentioned more by secular people, who also want by means of this to advance some kind of their own ideas, desires, and so forth. But there is absolutely no need for this now." He urged "maintaining vigilance and avoiding any attempts to present this topic in one format or another."


Metropolitan Veniamin touched on the topic of the responsibility of law enforcement personnel who committed viciousness against peaceful protesters, and he effectively urged not taking them to earthly judgment. "One must realize," he said, "that besides the human community of people there will also be judgment by God, who will give people rewards for good deeds and punishment for evil deeds, and even for those actions, thoughts, and feelings that are invisible to other people and which, perhaps, a person is unaware of himself. . . . In reconciliation, the main things should be the possibility of forgiving, overcoming the offense, and not remembering it any more. It is impossible to weigh everything on the scale of human justice in all details, who is more right and who less, and this can become a new occasion for disputes and for further disagreements."


Despite his statements about being nonpolitical, the metropolitan made clear that he expects the unification of the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Ukraine in a single state. "There is a prophecy about the fact that nevertheless the three fraternal peoples will later be together. We will pray for this and we will strive for this," he said. (tr. by PDS, posted 15 September 2020)

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