Ukrainian president appears to snub new church


RISU, 17 December 2020


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for the second year in a row ignored the anniversary of the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PTsU).


This was indicated by the communications on his Facebook and Telegram pages and on the official website of the office of the president. In particular, communications in the name of the head of state appeared in social networks on 15 and 16 December, but not one of them touched on the historic date of Ukraine's obtaining the right to its own local church, recognized by the ecumenical patriarchate, Kurs reports.


So the latest communication of the president was devoted to receiving letters from school children from Volhynia. We recall that on the first anniversary of the creation of the PTsU in 2019, the head of state also did not mention this event and he even ignored the commemorative liturgy. (tr. by PDS, posted 17 December 2020)

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