Russian foreign minister defends Russian church


RISU, 31 August 2021


Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov is convinced that the Russian Orthodox Church "is suffering from pressure by western countries," particularly the United States. This is reported by Glavkom.


The official of the aggressor country noted that the RPTs has its own parishes in many countries of the world and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains contacts with the church abroad.


"The Russian church is now experiencing strong pressure on the part of a number of western states, principally the U.S.A., which have set as their goal and intend to disrupt and to destroy the unity of world Orthodoxy," the diplomat said.


Lavrov is convinced that the government in Kiev "is infringing" the church of the Moscow patriarchate, and he noted that "a similar situation" is observed in Syria, Lebanon, and countries of eastern Europe.


"The spiritual and moral values that the RPTs sends throughout the world are subject to attacks on the part of a neoliberal elite in several countries of the West," Sergei Lavrov thinks.


Also the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that the West wants "to sow doubt about the objectivity of the vote" for the State Duma and to place its results in question. However, Russian leadership "will not surrender to ultimatums and threats." (tr. by PDS, posted 31 August 2021)

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