Catholic church intercedes for migrants trapped in Belarus


RISU, 15 November 2021


Monsignor Ante Jozic, the apostolic nuncio in the republic of Belarus, spoke out in defense of migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border, urging the authorities of all involved countries to seek solutions—even if temporary—to save the lives of those who are on the edge between life and death. This was reported by Vatican News.


"Thousands of persons, natives of various countries of the Near East and neighboring countries, seeking a better life, are fleeing from a multitude of difficulties into which they have fallen in their native countries," the hierarch writes. "The Catholic church is always near to those who are suffering of are in difficult life circumstances."


Apart from the political crisis in Belarus, Monsignor Jozic notes, it is necessary to make "urgent specific decisions for control of the migration floods" and to display universal solidarity, primarily with regard to women and children, who have in the course of many days now been blocked at the border between Belarus and the European Union.


The nuncio expressed thanks to Caritas of Belarus and Poland for aid in this crisis situation and he revives the call of Pope Francis regarding migrant flows into Europe: to guarantee migrants "decent living conditions and access to procedures for granting asylum." (tr. by PDS, posted 15 November 2021)

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