Ukrainian foreign ministry keeps talk of pope's visit alive


Religiina Pravda, 10 December 2021


The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (M.I.D.) commented in response to an inquiry by Radio Liberty on the likely visit to Ukraine by Roman Pope Francis.


"The question of arranging a possible apostolic visit to Ukraine by Pope Francis, on the invitation of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, is on the agenda for bilateral political dialogue," the MID press service declared.


According to the response of the ministry, the possibility and period of the visit will be worked out by diplomatic channels "in accordance with existing practice."


As Radio Liberty reported, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, stated that the visit by Roman Pope Francis is awaited in Ukraine. The head of the UGKTs related this during the Kiev Security Forum.


Twenty years ago, on 23 June 2001, Pope John Paul II arrived in Ukraine. The pontiff visited Kiev and Lvov. The pastoral visit lasted until 27 June.


Last year, during a visit to the Vatican, President Vladimir Zelensky invited Pope Francis to come to Ukraine. (tr. by PDS, posted 10 December 2021)

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