Orthodox church's "foreign minister" supports Russia's diplomacy


RIA Novosti, 11 December 2021


Constructive relations between Russia and the U.S.A. are necessary for the whole world, in order to prevent nuclear conflict, but they do not exist now, thinks the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Ilarion.


On 7 December, the presidents of the R.F. and U.S.A., Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, conducted conversations behind closed doors on a secure video communication channel. They lasted two hours. As to the results, the While House reported that in the conversation Biden expressed concern about the situation regarding Ukraine, urged a diplomatic settlement, and threatened decisive measures, including economic ones. Putin informed his American colleague that Ukraine has not fulfilled the Minsk agreements and has sabotaged the agreements and he also noted that it was NATO that was undertaking dangerous attempts to conquer Ukrainian territory and amassing military potential at the Russian borders.


The metropolitan welcomed the conduct of conversations between the presidents.


"Such constructive relations, which do not now exist, are entirely necessary primarily for the security of the whole world. Because nuclear states possess, on one hand, the potential that is able, on one hand, to restrain the arms race, and on the other hand, if the contradictions become too great this arsenal might start being used. It is necessary to do everything in order to prevent this on both sides" he said on the broadcast of "Church and the World" on Rossiia-24 television channel on Saturday.


Therefore he considers that conversations between leaders of both countries are important. "Normal relations between the two countries are the most direct way to affect the situation within each of the countries and the well-being of people" the metropolitan emphasized. (tr. by PDS, posted 11 December 2021)

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