Head of Ukrainian church encourages Ukrainian people


RISU, 24 February 2022


On 24 February, the day of the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, the primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PTsU) addressed Ukrainians with the words: "Right is on our side. Therefore, with God's help and with the support of the entire civilized world, the enemy will be defeated."


"Our common task is to repel the enemy and defend our native land, our future, and the future of new generations from tyranny that the aggressor is striving to bring on his bayonets.


"Our task now is to unite and to withstand the first blow and not surrender to panic. We believe in God's providence and the victory of the right. We trust our armed forces, our defenders. In prayer we are with all who are at the forefront of the struggle with the aggressor.


"It is extremely important not to give way to possible internal provocations and to support order and fulfill the directions of the governmental and military authorities of Ukraine," says the summons of the head of the PTsU.


He asks the clergy and faithful to continually raise their prayers for Ukraine, for victory, and for our troops. "I bless the reading of the akathist for the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God and other corresponding prayer requests."


Metropolitan Epifany appealed to the international community and to all religious leaders of the world, calling them to support Ukraine and to insist that Russia and Belarus immediately cease their aggression. "I ask this of all people of good will."


The metropolitan is confident that those guilty of crimes against Ukraine will answer to the Almighty and to humanity, without escaping judgment and punishment.


He gave assurances that, as the primate, he is with the people and will fulfill his duty.


"Ukrainians are a peace loving people, but they are strong in spirit and faith. We believe that the force and arms that are being illegally directed against us today will be turned into the wrath of God and a sword against the aggressor. Because all criminal intentions are known to God, as it is written: 'Devise your plans, but they will fall apart; say the word, but it will not stand: for God is with us' (Isa. 8.10). May the words of the Savior be fulfilled for the instigators of war and invaders: 'All who take the sword will perish by the sword' (Mt. 26.52).


"With prayer on our lips and with love for God, for Ukraine, and for neighbor we will fight against evil and we will see victory. I call for the Lord's blessing upon the Ukrainian state, the troops who are defending Ukraine, and our entire people." With such words the appeal of the PTsU primate concludes. (tr. by PDS, posted 24 February 2022)



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