Ukrainian parliament will respond to Moscow church's outrageous charges


RISU, 14 May 2022


The claim by the Synod of the UPTsMP (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate) that the invasion by the R.F. was allegedly provoked by the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PTsU) will be considered in the Verkhovna Rada in late May. This was announced by a people's deputy from the "Servant of the People" fraction, Nikita Poturaev. This was reported by N.V. (Novoe Vremya).


"All these incidents are the consequence of the mistaken religious policy of the times of the presidency of Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko and the destructive ideology of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. We are convinced that it was such activity of the previous government and of the PTsU that was one of the causes of the armed incursion into Ukraine," the statement of the UPTsMP bishops said.


In "Servant of the People," assurances were given that these outrageous accusations will be considered in parliamentary hearings.


"Back before the news appeared about the results of the Synod, we had decided in committee (on Affairs of Humanitarian and News Policy—ed.) to conduct hearings regarding the role of the church: what is happening in the churches and, in the first place, in that church whose administrative body is located on the territory of the aggressor state and is controlled by it. . . . We are tentatively planning these hearings for late May," Poturaev reported.


"We will clearly defend the interests of the state, interests of national security and defense, but we will do this in such a way that the enemy will not be able to reproach Ukraine again," the people's deputy added.


We recall that hierarchs of the UPTsMP blamed the government of the times of Petro Poroshenko and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine for actions that led to the armed invasion by Russia into Ukraine. The State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience has already reacted to this statement by the UPTsMP Synod. It emphasized that the UPTsMP Synod's statement of 12 May 2022 contains expressions which may be regarded as inciting religious strife, offending the feelings of believers, and justifying the war of the R.F. against Ukraine. (tr. by PDS, posted 14 May 2022)


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