5 Minutes with … Lua R. Hancock

Lua Hancock, vice president of Campus Life and Student Success

What is your job at Stetson? 

Lua Hancock
Lua Hancock

I am the Vice President of Campus Life and Student Success (best job ever) where I help to provide leadership and strategic vision for the learning, services and engagement, and leadership opportunities for students at Stetson. I get to work to ensure students have the resources that they need for success at Stetson and beyond. My staff and I love to listen to and empower student’s voice at Stetson. 

Campus Life and Student Success includes: Community Standards, Community Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Public Safety, Housing and Residential Life, Career and Professional Development, Student Development and Campus Vibrancy, Student Counseling, Academic Success, Health Services, Recreation and Wellness, Stetson Dining, Community Standards, and the Dean of Students Office.


How long have you worked here?

Six years. I celebrated my Stetsiversary on Sept. 13.


What do you like most about your work?

I am obsessed with spaces that are structured to bring great people together towards a common purpose with the ability for them to deeply grow and develop in that place.  This is why I love places like yoga studios, coffee shops and college campuses.  I love that Stetson is a place where students, faculty and staff can come together in an intensive residential learning environment and transform each other. I love the beauty and energy of campus.  I love watching students come in, spend four years working out their minds, hearts and bodies and then watching them graduate ready to help solve complex problems.

Lua Hancock, vice president of Campus Life and Student Success
Lua Hancock, vice president of Campus Life and Student Success, talks outside the CUB with Marcini Thomas, who graduated from Stetson in May 2016, and Stetson student Precious Paxson.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time I enjoy attending cultural credit and athletic events on campus.  I love to spend time reading and playing with my boys, who are now 12 and 9 years old.  I like to teach spin at the Hollis Center (on Mondays from 5 to 6 p.m.). I like to read, listen to music, travel, hike, pray, meditate and do yoga.



“5 Minutes with … ” appears on Mondays and features Stetson students, faculty and staff on the DeLand campus. If you would like to recommend a person to highlight in the Stetson community, please email Stetson Today editor Cory Lancaster at [email protected].