Stetson University in the News, Oct. 21-28
Top Stories:
- Jason Evans, Ph.D., an assistant professor of environmental science, was quoted in the article, “King of Tides: Year ‘s highest brings rising waves to Volusia,” where he states that rising sea levels can be expected in the next month, posted by The Daytona Beach News-Journal, Glen Rose Reporter and several other news outlets, Oct. 19.
- Asal Mohamadi Johnson, Ph.D., assistant professor of public health, was featured in the article, “Raising the Volume,” for connecting her extensive medicine research with social justice issues, and encouraging her students to connect medicine to a global platform, posted by Public Now, Oct. 22.
- Stetson University launched two new indices in the Roland George Investments Program (RGIP) involving the investments in cloud computing and virtual reality technology. K.C. Ma, Ph.D., chair of applied investments at Stetson University, said these advancements will be an “inevitable future,” posted by State Journal, Oct. 27.
- Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the Oct. 20 Moyers & co. blog, “Breaking the Fourth Wall of Democracy,” on Trump accepting election results. Professor Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Oct. 25 Creative Loafing article, “What rigging? No one is stealing any elections here — and voter fraud is not a thing.” Professor Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Oct. 23 The Star Ledger article, “Trump’s Ethics Proposals Fall Short, Experts Say.” The article also ran in MyInforms.
- Law Professor Jason Bent wrote the Oct. 25 article, “Teaching Worker Safety,” for the Workers’ Compensation Law Prof Blog.
- Law Professor Ellen Podgor was mentioned in a Heritage Foundation legal memorandum, “Time to Prune the Tree, Part 2: The Need to Reassess the Federal Fraud Laws.”
Other News:
- Roland George Investments Program student Thomas Kaufmann discussed the inner workings of the program and his presentation in front of the program’s Board of Trustees, posted by Public Now, 21.
- Stetson Law student Ali Preston is quoted in the Oct. 19 The Atlantic article, “The Most Popular Office on Campus.”
- News of a new grant for Stetson’s National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law will fund training on capital case litigation and forensics for professionals in legal and scientific fields, according to the Oct. 21 Tampa Bay Times.
Alumni News:
- Laura Walton Allen will be featured in an artist reception Nov. 10 at the Twilight Gallery in Seattle, Washington, for her painting collection, “Intelligent Life.” Representing moments of genesis and life, Allen’s visual art collection also incorporates her background in biology and literature, posted by Best Events, Oct. 25.
- Robby Smith, Ph.D., was chosen as the Catawba River Baptist Association’s new director of missions. A Stetson graduate with a bachelor’s degree in music education, Smith has new vision for the organization’s growth, posted by The News Herald, Oct. 21.
- Law alumna Christina Sanchez is running for circuit judge in the 18th Judicial Circuit, according to the Oct. 23 Florida Today.
- Law alumnus Cary Frank Rada is running for Lake County judge position and was featured in two articles, Oct. 21 and Oct. 23, in the Daily Commercial highlighting his life, experiences, and vision for the bench.
- Law alumna Chelsea Miller joined the Tacoma law firm of McKinley Irvin. Position announced in Oct. 23 The News Tribune.
- Law alumnus Rob Lord was named CEO of Martin Health and featured in a Stuart Magazine article in the November issue.
- Law alumnus Julio Gonzalez is running for House District 74. The Oct. 21 Charlotte Sun ran an article with candidate information.
- Law alumnus Chris Sprowls is running for State House District 65. Candidate information ran in the Oct. 21 Tampa Bay Times.
- Law alumnus and Sheriff Bob Gualtieri is seeking reelection as Pinellas County Sheriff and his candidate information ran in the Oct. 21 Tampa Bay Times.
- Law alumnus Tim Schock is running for Hillsborough County Commission, District 6. Candidate information ran in the Oct. 21 Tampa Bay Times.
- Law alumnus Luis Viera is running for Tampa City Council, District 7. Candidate information ran in the Oct. 21 Tampa Bay Times.
- Law alumna Julie Horstkamp opens her own solo practice, according to a brief article in the Oct. 19 Venice Gondolier Sun.