Stetson looks to add Latina Sorority

Graphic that says, Lambda Theta Alpha, Latina sorority

Lambda Theta Alpha, the nation’s first Latina sorority, has been able to start an official expansion group at Stetson University and will work diligently throughout the upcoming academic year to establish an official chapter on campus. 

“The point of an expansion group is to figure out if we are a good fit for the school and if the school is a good fit for us,” explained Michelle Vinasco, the expansion representative for Stetson University, who became a sister through the Gamma Iota Chapter at Florida Atlantic University in the Fall of 2019.

This Latina sorority would join a total of 15 active chapters and three governing councils for Greek Life at Stetson, including one of the “Divine Nine” historically Black Greek-letter organizations.

“So far, we have hosted multiple events with the expansion group,” Vinasco said. “We have organized informational workshops, study sessions, and a leadership conference that provided social and cultural awareness. This academic year, we will strive to create an area of support for undergraduate students, we plan to create connections on campus and grow our group of interested members to help build a successful potential future chapter.”  

How It Started

Renee DuBois

“When I first got to the university during the summer of 2019, it was one of my first initiatives to bring more multicultural fraternities and sororities to our community,” said Renee DuBois, Stetson’s Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life. 

However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, those plans derailed for a few years until the fall of 2023, when DuBois had a student reach out to her expressing interest in a Latina sorority. 

“From there we put out a survey to students to see how many would be interested in a Latinx fraternity or sorority,” DuBois said. “I reached out to Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., to talk with them about the potential of establishing on our campus. We had a great conversation and we – the university and the national organization – agreed to move forward in the process to see if there was interest on campus for the sorority.” 

DuBois explained that, per the Lambda Theta Alpha headquarters, they needed to have a minimum of 10 interested students who wouldn’t graduate until Fall 2025 or later. If the organization did not have that, they would not be able to continue the process of establishing on Stetson’s campus. Luckily, the organization was able to meet this requirement and compiled a list of people who wish to join the sorority.  

“At this time, I cannot share the students who are interested because it is not guaranteed they will actually become members of the organization,” DuBois said. “But coming Fall 2024, the sorority will continue the process of becoming established on our campus.” 

Graphic that says, Lambda Theta Alpha, Latina sorority

Organizational Background

Lambda Theta Alpha was founded at Kean University in Union, N.J., in December 1975. The organization is comprised of 181 chapters on the alumna and undergraduate level within the seven regions and 27 areas in the U.S., including Puerto Rico. As of June 2024, they have grown to 10,000 members in nearly 49 years of existence. 

Vinasco outlined that the purpose of Lambda Theta Alpha is to provide a sisterhood based on unity, love and respect to develop strong leaders who will provide and practice political, social and cultural activities, as well as promote Latino unity through charitable and educational programs.

“We strive to maintain a high standard of learning and serve as a voice for all Latino students,” she added. 

How Stetson Fits and What’s Next

About 20% of Stetson undergraduates are Hispanic / Latino. 

“This tells me that Stetson has great potential to become a successful expansion project,” Vinasco said. 

Lambda Theta Alpha has already established chapters in close proximity to Stetson, which will assist in the development and growth of the expansion project and potential future chapter on campus.

“As we progress through the expansion process, we have been able to make connections with other organizations on campus,” Vinasco explained. “We are beginning to expose our sisterhood to the student population as well as solidifying our working relationship with the Stetson’s Fraternity and Sorority Life Department. These factors help us determine whether the fit works on both ends. So far, we are making great strides, and we believe the partnership will be prosperous.” 

For more information about the prospective Lambda Theta Alpha sorority at Stetson, contact DuBois at [email protected] or 386.822.7208.

-Trish Wieland