Pentecostals welcome opening of large Baptist church



The "Good News" church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists--one of the largest protestant congregations of the capital—opened in northeast Moscow. It became the ninth active Baptist church in the city, the press service of the Russian Associated Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (ROSKhVE) reported to TASS on 7 December.


"This was a long awaited event for pastors, by whose joint efforts unfinished premises that were originally intended for a shopping center were completely reconstructed," the press service noted. In the new building there is an auditorium for worship services as well as classrooms for children's classes.


The ritual of consecration of the church was conducted by the head of RPShVE, a member of the Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations in the presidential apparatus of RF, Sergei Riakhovskii. "The more churches there will be, the more holiness and justice there will be in our city," he said. "I am so happy that throughout Moscow churches are being restored and constructed."


One of the priority directions of the activity of ROSKhVE and the "Good News" church of Moscow is social service and Christian education of children and teenagers, including the active adoption of orphaned children. Great attention in the organizations is devoted to the support of the institution of the traditional family. (tr. by PDS, posted 13 December 2014)

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