Brawl in west Ukraine over seized church


Ukrainska Pravoslavna Tserkva, 23 March 2015


In the village of Ugrinov, Gorokhov district of Volyn province, supporters of UPTsKP carried out an attack on a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The incident occurred on 18 March 2015. The victim of the attack was Archpriest Rostislav Sapozhnik, rector of the church of the Elevation of the Cross of the Lord of the village of Ugrinov.


Eyewitnesses reported that the new "owners" of the local church, an architectural monument that was seized in the autumn of 2014, began repair work in it without the appropriate permits for it from the Department of Architecture. The rector of the church and the chairman of the UPTs parish, Archpriest Rostislav Sapozhnik, responded to such interference by directing an inquiry about the unpermitted repair of an architectural monument to relevant agencies. When representatives of the Department of Architecture arrived at Ugrinov, they were met by the chief instigator of the seizure of the church, A.A. Turako, a local deputy and businessman.


However, when Father Rostislav, who is a resident of the village of Ugrinov, wanted to enter the church in order to view its interior, he received a categorical rude refusal. A brawl began during which supporters of UPTsKP, using physical force, pushed the priest out of the church building. After this, Father Rostislav was hit on the head with a stick from behind his back, as a result of which he received a hematoma in the area of the head. The police were called regarding the incident of the attack, who recorded this incident. In his turn, the priest photographed the fray. Eyewitnesses say that A.A. Turako participated directly in the attack on Father Rostislav.


We recall that in September 2014, the church of the Elevation of the Cross of the village of Ugrinov in Volyn province was brutally seized by UPTsKP supporters who were stirred-up and led by local businessman A.A. Turako. Although the parish has frequently appealed to a court for establishment of justice, the people have not received justice to this day. (tr. by PDS, posted 23 March 2015)

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