Moscow patriarchate stirs up property clashes in Ukraine


RIA Novosti, 2 April 2015


The head of the synod's Information Department of the Moscow patriarchate, Vladimir Legoida, expressed concern over the incident of an attack by clergymen of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGKTs) on a church building of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ternopol province, and he noted the role of law enforcement agents in preventing a proliferation of the conflict.


"Attacks on church buildings and clerics of the Ukrainian Orthodox church have begun occurring with greater frequency, which cannot but cause alarm. However whereas earlier attempts of forcible seizure of buildings of the canonical church were made primarily by the schismatic 'Kiev patriarchate,' now, as the conflict in the village of Stenka of Ternopol province that developed late in March shows, the Uniates also have begun returning to such a practice," Legoida said.


He said that events near the church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in the village of Stenka, Buchach district of Ternopol province, is the first case since the 1990s of an attack on church buildings and clerics of UPTsMP on the part of representatives of UGKTs. "It is extremely sad that Uniates have again resorted to such methods of pressure, which thereby forces the Roman Catholic Church into the role of participant in the conflict," Legoida stated, whose words were quoted on Thursday by the synodal department.


He noted that the attempt to seize the church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God by Uniates occurred with the support of nationalistic forces and their henchmen in the power structures. "It is comforting that in this case law enforcement personnel managed to prevent proliferation of the conflict and head off a violent clash. I hope that in Ukrainian society and religious communities healthy forces will be found that will halt excesses," the representative of RPTs concluded. (tr. by PDS, posted 2 April 2015)

Background article: 
Catholics and Orthodox compete for Ukrainian village church
March 26, 2015

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