New diocese of UAPTs organized with 12 parishes from UPTsMP


Press Service of UAPTs Carpathian diocese, 11 June 2015


On 10 June, the first session of the diocesan assembly of the diocese was held in Uzhgorod under the chairmanship of the ruling administrator of the new Carpathian diocese of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Viktor Bed, with the blessing of His Beatitude Makary, Metropolitan of Kiev and all-Ukraine and the primate of the UAPTs.


The agenda for the diocesan meeting contained the following topics:

1. On the results of the work of the Bishops' Council of UAPTs of 3 June 2015

2. On the results of the work of the Local Sobor of UAPTs of 4-5 June 2015

3. On parishes and clergy composing the Carpathian diocese of UAPTs

4. On adoption of the charter of the consistory (diocesan administration) of the Carpathian diocese of UAPTs

5. On election of the ruling bishop of the Carpathian diocese of UAPTs

6. On confirmation of the decision about the election of the ruling bishop of the Carpathian diocese of UAPTs

7. On election of the diocesan council of the Carpathian diocese of UAPTs

8. Miscellaneous.


Appropriate decisions on all issues on the agenda are adopted on the basis of results of the work of diocesan meetings of the Carpathian diocese of the UAPTs.


In accordance with the ancient Ukrainian church traditions which are enshrined in the charter of the UAPTs, the selection of the ruling bishops of the diocese is carried out by the faithful and clergy of the respective diocese. Therefore, in accordance with these regulations, representatives of the parishes and clergy that are members of the Carpathian diocese of the UAPTs held an election of their ruling bishop. On the basis of the results of voting (under the chairmanship of Archpriest Alexander Smolin), on an alternative basis, by an absolute majority of votes, as the ruling bishop of the Carpathian diocese of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church with its center of diocesan administration in the city of Uzhgorod, Archimandrite Viktor Bed was elected.


Five persons were elected to compose the diocesan council of the Carpathian diocese of the UAPTs: Archimandrite Viktor Bed (chairman), Archimandrite Diodor Muratov, Archpriest Alexander Smolin, and laymen Sergei Vasilevich Urst and Orest Petrovich Didukh. In the future, in the event of necessity, the composition of the diocesan council will be expanded on the basis of the representation of parishes.


The conditions as of 10 June:


In 2015, the Carpathian diocese of UAPTs comprised 12 parishes and 11 clergy who previously had belonged to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow patriarchate, in particular the Mukachevo and Khust dioceses of UPTsMP.


The participants in the diocesan assembly of the Carpathian diocese of the UAPTs included authorized representatives of parishes and initiative groups from 8 districts and cities of the Transcarpathian province: the cities of Uzhgorod and Mukachevo, and the districts of Uzgorod, Mukachevo, Perechni, Vinogradov, Tiachev, and Volobets.


The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, as the ancient Ukrainian church that was revived on 5 May 1920 in the Ukrainian People's Republic and subsequently was subjected to repressions, persecutions and prohibition on the part of the former totalitarian communist soviet regime of the USSR and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (the episcopate and the overwhelming majority of clergy of the UAPTs were physically destroyed by the communist stalinist regime), is the spiritual descendant of the apostolic Christianization of Scythia-Rus-Ukraine by the apostle of the Ukraine, Andrew the First-Called (mid-first century), and of the original Ukrainian Church founded in 862 under the blessed prince of Kiev Askold of the dynasty of the Kievan Prince Kyi and the holy prelate Foti, Patriarch of Constantinople (under the name of the Russian Church), and it is in prayer unity with the ecumenical patriarchate and supports the union of all Orthodox churches on the territory of our state in a united local Ukrainian church. During liturgies in the UAPTs, the names of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the first hierarch of the Mother-Church in Ukraine are elevated first, and then His Beatitude Makary, metropolitan of Kiev and all-Ukraine and primate of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. The episcopate of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church has canonical episcopal succession which was restored in 1942, with the blessing of the ecumenical patriarchate, as an episcopate of the canonical Polish Orthodox Church and maintained through the UAPTs in the diaspora, which belongs to the ecumenical patriarchate. (tr. by PDS, posted 15 June 2015)

Background article:
Censored UPTsMP cleric transfers into UAPTs
June 8, 2015

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