Russian evangelical leader speaks out on Paris massacre


RIA Novosti, 14 November 2015


The head of the Russian Associated Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) [Rossiiskii Obedinennyi Souiz Khristian Very Evangelskoi – ROSKhVE] and member of the Public Chamber, Bishop Sergei Riakhovsky, called extremism the chief global threat, in condolences to relatives and friends of those who died as the result of a series of terrorist acts in Paris.


"Religious extremism surely occupies first place among global threats," Riakhovsky declared.


Noting that the whole world recently sympathized with France in connection with the  murders of journalists in the editorial offices of one of the magazines, the bishop expressed prayerful support for the leadership of the country.


"On the day of this horrific trial we mourn along with all of France. We pray for those who survived during these attacks, that the Lord will miraculously heal their wounds; we pray for blessing for physicians and medical personnel in their care for the victims," the letter of the leader of Russian Pentecostals says.


Special prayers in congregations of the ROSKhVE are being raised in these days "for those who suffered irretrievable loss of relatives, neighbors, and friends." (tr. by PDS, posted 14 November 2015)


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