Jehovah's Witnesses report freedom in Kazakhstan


Bud v teme, 28 July 2017


By a decision in the case of A.O. Korolev of 1 June 2017, the Supreme Court of the republic of Kazakhstan reversed the decision of all lower courts and thereby showed the insubstantiality of the accusation against Jehovah's Witnesses of "illegal missionary activity." This decision once again confirmed the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to peacefully and respectfully share their convictions with their neighbors and fellow citizens, participating in activity useful for society, supporting the principles of high morality, abstaining from bad habits, and showing mutual respect.


This decision was added to eight previous decisions of the Supreme Court in the Jehovah's Witnesses' favor, which confirm and protect the freedoms of expression and religious confession of each citizen of our country, according to international and constitutional norms.

The acting chairman of the Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry for Affairs of Religions and Civil Society, Mr. Erkin Ongarbaev, in his interview of 25 July 2017 commented on these decisions, made after the issuance of a protest by the prosecutor general's office of the republic of Kazakhstan, as a positive development of events. Earlier, on 19 July 2017, the minister for religious affairs and civil society, Mr. Nurlan Ermekbaev, noted that "Jehovah's Witnesses are continuing to conduct their activity in accordance with the legislation throughout Kazakhstan."  Press Service of Jehovah's Witnesses

(tr. by PDS, posted 1 August 2017)

Related article:
Kazakhstan explains temporary suspension of Jehovah's Witnesses
July 19, 2017

Russia Religion News Current News Items

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