Orthodox leaders talking past each other on Ukrainian situation


RIA Novosti, 4 December 2017


Patriarch of Moscow and all-Rus Kirill declared at a meeting with Patriarch of Romania Daniel that he hopes for the overcoming of the schism in Ukraine.


In the course of a meeting in his residence in the St. Daniel's monastery, the religious situation in Ukraine was discussed, particularly the question of healing the schism.


"I hope that by God's mercy at some time all these divisions can be overcome. And I was pleased with the evidence that the Ukrainian episcopate wishes to overcome these divisions. They have love in their hearts for those who are separated and, of course, they suffer along with everybody from these divisions," the patriarch said, whose words were quoted on Monday on the website of the Moscow patriarchate.


The primate of the Russian Orthodox Church also expressed thanks to all local Orthodox churches and the primate of the Romanian church personally for support of the canonical church in Ukraine.


The Bishops' Council of the RPTs earlier adopted a resolution in which it cited the request of the head of the self-proclaimed Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UPTsKP), Filaret, for the restoration of prayer and eucharistic communion with Christians who constitute the Ukrainian church schism. The council considered this letter "a step toward overcoming schism" in Ukraine and it created a special commission for negotiations with the Kiev patriarchate.


At a press conference last Friday, Filaret reported that he sent to the Bishops' Council of the RPTs a suggestion for reconciliation for the sake of creating an autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox church and that he will never repent for having chosen the path of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox church. He also stated that the UPTsKP never will return to the Moscow patriarchate. At the same time, he said the Kiev patriarchate is ready to enter a dialogue with the RPTs within the framework of the commission that was created only if the question of the autocephaly of the Ukrainian church will be discussed.


At the present time, several churches of the Orthodox rite are active in Ukraine: the UPTsMP, which is recognized by all local Orthodox churches of the world, and also the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev patriarchate, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAPTs), and the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.


In 1992 Metropolitan Filaret Denisenko demanded autocephaly for the UPTs, the status of a local church that presupposed its administrative independence. When he did not get consent for this he, despite having given an oath to maintain church unity in Ukraine, created and legally registered the so-called Kiev patriarchate. In 1997 the RPTs excommunicated Filaret from the church and issued an anathema. (tr. by PDS, posted 4 December 2017)

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