Moscow patriarchate criticizes Anglican Church


RIA Novosti, 19 December 2017


The admission of women to Episcopal ministry in the Church of England makes it substantially difficult for Orthodox Christians to conduct dialogue with Anglicans, the secretary for Inter-Christian Relations of the Department of External Church Relations (OVTsS) of the Moscow patriarchate, Hieromonk Stefan, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday, commenting on the appointment of Sarah Mullally bishop of London.


On Monday it was learned that a woman is for the first time heading the London diocese, a former nurse, Sarah Mullally. Mullally was confirmed in the position of bishop of London by Elizabeth II, who is queen of Great Britain and at the same time head of the Church of England. The bishop of London is the third most important clergy position in the Anglican hierarchy, after the archbishops of Canterbury and York.


"The fundamental decision to admit women to the episcopal ministry was made by the Church of England back on 14 July 2014. The Russian Orthodox Church immediately reacted to it with an official declaration, which noted that it has received said decision with alarm and disappointment, inasmuch as such practice contradicts centuries-old church tradition that arose in the original Christian community," Hieromonk Stefan said.


He said that the statement by the Moscow patriarchate emphasized that "such a decision is dictated not by the needs of the church but by the attempt to follow the secular idea of equality of the sexes." "At the same time it is obvious that the path of secularization of Christianity leads to the departure from it of many believers who, on the contrary, strive to find a spiritual anchor in the unshakeable evangelical values and apostolic traditions established by the eternal and immutable God," the representative of OVTsS noted.


The news agency's interlocutor also added that "back in 2014 the Russian Orthodox Church stated that the decision to elevate women to the episcopal dignity makes it substantially difficult for Orthodox Christians to conduct the dialogue with Anglicans that has development over the course of many decades."


The first woman bishop in the Church of England was an Oxford graduate, Libby Lane. Mullally is the third woman to head a diocese. (tr. by PDS, posted 20 December 2017)

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