Baptist dissidents active in south of Russia


Russia Television and Radio, Astrakhan, 5 February 2018


This also has become the occasion for a protest demonstration of young pickets of an Astrakhan volunteer movement.


"Take the camera away. We will not talk with you. You write all this tripe and you display it and people are fined because they preach the Word of God."


In this way a film crew was met near a house of worship in the Lenin district of Astrakhan. Young pickets were standing there already.


"They think that sin is a disease that is inherited. I do not think so. They do not wear crosses, since this also is a sin."


"I do not like that they propagandize; they draw children and youth into their ranks."


The volunteers with pickets think that the activity of the religious cell is illegal.


A dialogue was not achieved. They flatly refused to talk about themselves and their organization. I had to turn to experts.


The specialists explained. These are Baptist-Initsiativniki. They broke away from the main branch of Baptists. This happened in the 60s during the time of the Soviet Union. The reason was the call by Evangelical Christians-Baptists for political and secular loyalty, a peaceful union with the authorities, and restraint of evangelism.


"The schism occurred in accordance with a purely classical scenario. A sect is a group that withdraws from a main movement in disagreement and, in turn, creates its own separate religious organization. From this point of view they represent a classic example of a sectarian schism," says a historian and religious studies scholar, Andrei Syzranov, a teacher of the Astrakhan State University.


According to experts, there are few Baptist-Initsiativniki in the country.  The Astrakhan cell also is not numerous. There are hardly more than a hundred of them, but they distinguish themselves by their activism. There are very many youth. Personnel of the Astrakhan police say that the illegal missionary activity of the religious cell was terminated by an article of the revised legislation of the "Yarovaya Package."


"Personnel of the Center for Combating Extremism have conducted operations. A number of leaders of this cell were brought to administrative justice and an administrative case was opened on the basis of an article about violation of the law on freedom of conscience and freedom of religious confession," the head of the press service of the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Astrakhan oblast, Petr Rusanov, explains.


According to information of experts, they do not serve in the army, they refuse to participate in the electoral process, and for some reason they reject electronic passports.


The Baptist-Initsiativniki are not prohibited, but they are not permitted. They do not recognize the laws, which means there is no registration or official recognition.


The Baptist-Initsiativniki say that their organization is maintained exclusively at the expense of donations of converts. Experts maintain that this actually is not true.


"They have sources of self-financing at the expense of converts, but strong links with foreign sources of financing are traced back to soviet times. According to information from law enforcement agencies, foreign sponsors have financed the maintenance of youth religious camps near Tula and Viatka. All the Russian children there have English-sounding pseudonyms. The camps have now been closed because of the offense of missionary activity. (tr. by PDS, posted 8 February 2018)

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