Bulgarian politician harshly criticizes Moscow patriarch



Bulgarian Vice-Premier Valery Simeonov announced that he does not intend to apologize for his words directed against the head of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow patriarchate (RPTsMP), Kirill, the website "Russian Bulgaria" reported on 9 March.


It was reported earlier that two days ago V. Simeonov called Patriarch Kirill the "cigarette patriarch" and a "second-rate agent of the K.G.B." His words evoked an uproar in the "United Patriots" coalition and the "Ataka" and V.M.R.O. parties, and they called the vice-premier to apologize, and Volen Siderov declared that the ruling coalition can exist even without Simeonov's party.


"We are talking about principles; nobody is married to this coalition. We can [survive?] without either Simeonov or Karakachanov," Volen Siderov declared.


"I think that it is necessary to conduct one normal, humane dialogue. Simeonov's statement was not cleared with us. Mr. Siderov warned that he was going to make a declaration," the vice-premier and minister of defense and leader of the V.M.R.O., Krasimir Karakaachanov declared on his part. "One minister and deputy should know how his statement will be received. I converse with partners slowly and calmly. Time heals everything," Karakachanov thinks.


In respond to a demand that he apologize to the head of the RPTsMP, Valery Simeonov stated that most likely the ruling coalition can exist even without his N.F.S.B. [National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria] party. "Everybody knows that there are no irreplaceable people and parties," he emphasized.


"I do not feel any guilt myself, because a person who speaks the truth does not need to apologize for it. My words were exceptionally precise. I ponder everything I say. I did not even speak about many facts regarding the personality of Vladimir Gundiaev, which is Patriarch Kirill's name," Simeonov reported.


He added that conversations with Volen Sidorov are coming up and he said that all conflicts between parties in the coalition are being resolved. (tr. by PDS, posted 11 March 2018)

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