Ukrainian church officially recognized


Ukrainskaia Pravda, 6 January 2019


Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul delivered a tomos concerning autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PTsU) to Metropolitan of Kiev and all-Ukraine Epifany.


The ceremony occurred during the liturgy in the patriarchal church of St. George on Sunday; the broadcast was carried by Radio Liberty.


The worship service was conducted jointly by Patriarch Bartholomew and Metropolitan Epifany. President Petro Poroshenko and the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Andrei Paruby, and members of the Ukrainian delegation were present in the church.


During the worship service, Patriarch Bartholomew delivered to Metropolitan Epifany the metropolitan's staff and the tomos concerning the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.


"Just as after the darkness of the night, the sun again rises, so also in the present time the ancient injustice has been removed thanks to the wisdom of your most holy and sacred Synod of the Mother-Church, and justice has been restored. . . . With the support of the Ukrainian state and our president, division has been removed and unity has been restored," Epifany said during the ceremony.


He also appealed to the Mother-Church and all local churches to pray for peace in Ukraine. (tr. by PDS, posted 6 January 2019)

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