Ukrainian president calls out Moscow churches


RISU, 18 January 2019


Already more than 100 parishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate have expressed the desire to join the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PTsU)


This was declared by President Petro Poroshenko at a meeting with representatives of the Stanishovka United Territorial Commune in Zhitomir oblast, Ukrinform reports.


"Already more than 100 communities have expressed the desire to join our church, and this is very important," Poroshenko said.


He recalled that several weeks ago the parliament adopted a decision that there is in Ukraine a united Ukrainian church.


"Nobody is forbidding other churches, but they should call themselves what they are in reality. If a church retains prayer unity with the Russian Orthodox Church, then what kind of church is it? Russian! Let it also say it," the head of state accentuated. (tr. by PDS, posted 20 January 2019)

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