Local official regrets arrest of protestant preacher


Svobodnaia Media, 19 April 2019


An administrative protocol has been drawn up against one of the Baptists ministering in Novorossiisk, on the basis of article 5.26 of the Code of Administrative Violations of Law, "Violation of legislation on freedom of conscience and freedom of religious confession and on religious associations."


The head of the Novorossiisk organization of Baptists, Evgeny Kokora, reported that a presbyter of the Baptist church, Yury Kornienko, faces trial. He also reported that the protocol was drawn up eleven days after the incident, and not two days afterward, as the law requires. Kokora also recounted a conversation with a police major, who "apologized humanely that it was necessary for him to summon them and compose this protocol."


The composition of the protocol is a continuation of the situation in Novorossiisk where a Baptist worship service in commemoration of the Annunciation, which was being held in a private home in the village of Verkhnebakanskii, was disrupted.


Troops of the Russian Guard, police, firefighters, and cossacks, and representatives of the FSB and city administration broke into the building and demanded that the service end. There were around 70 believers in the room, including children, women, and elderly folk.


Kokora was later summoned to the FSB, where he was told that "Baptists, Adventists, Pentecostals, and so forth divide the unified Russian spiritual world." (tr. by PDS, posted 22 April 2019)

Background article:

Russian Baptists defend their rights
9 April 2019

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