Semi-Islamic sect activity punished in Russia


Woman conducted propaganda of the activity of Kazakh religious organization Ata Zholy.

Argumenty i fakty, 17 May 2019


In Verkhneuralsk of Cheliabinsk oblast the prosecutor's office along with the FSB fined a local resident for violations in missionary activity.


They were discovered during an examination within the framework of implementing the law on religious organizations and freedom of conscience and on combating extremism. The examination showed that from October 2017 to March 2019, in a residence in Verkhneuralsk the woman preached the ideas and religious practices of the sect of Ata Zholy, which was forbidden on the basis of [an order] of the Cheliabinsk oblast court in April 2014.


"On the basis of an inspection, the prosecutor of the district opened a case regarding administrative law violation according to part 4 of article 5.26 of the Code of Administrative Violations of Law of the RF, "Conducting missionary activity with violation of the requirements of legislation on freedom of conscience and freedom of religious confessions and on religious associations," and sentenced [her] to a fine," the prosecutor's office of Cheliabinsk oblast reported.


The occult, mystical organization Ata Zhola was banned in Kazakhstan in 2009, but it continued its activity on Russian territory. What is known about it is that its adherents recruit supporters by promising healing from diseases and disclosure of paranormal capabilities, for which they have followers drink grave water, and in exchange they request donations. If a person refuses, all manner of misfortunes and even death are predicted for him or his loved ones. (tr. by PDS, posted 21 May 2019)

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