St. Petersburgers oppose church in a park


Forpost Severo Zapad, 27 May 2019


Local residents in the Kalinin district of the city plan to conduct a mass demonstration, activists reported on social networks.


On Monday, 27 May, approximately 1,800 St. Petersburgers signed an electronic petition against construction of a religious building in the South Seashore park. Citizens aimed to collect 2,500 votes in order to relay their wishes to the acting governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov.


The activists published the petition itself less than a day ago. In it they asked for the return to general use of a plot of land that authorities had allocated indefinitely to a church parish and to speed up the repair of the park. The citizens signed the letter as "taxpayers and residents of St. Petersburg."


We note that St. Petersburgers also are planning to hold a rally against construction in the green zone. Among the organizers of the event are the public movements "Beautiful Petersburg" and "Spring."


We recall that last week, a fence was noticed in the South Seashore park. It turned out that behind it, the construction of an Orthodox complex is being planned. The administration of the district declared that there will be no capital construction on this parcel.


We note that in May in Ekaterinburg, local residents also demonstrated against the start of erecting a church in a green zone. After several days of protests, citizens managed to conduct a survey, which showed that a majority of Ekaterinburgers do not want to see a new religious building in a park. (tr. by PDS, posted 28 May 2019)
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