Actions against Jehovah's Witnesses include raid on shut-in


Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 8 August 2019

On 2 August 2019, in the village of Nikolaevka (Krasnoyarsk Terr.) siloviki in masks and bullet-proof vests invaded the home of 77-year-old Liubov Mireniuk, when she was home alone, and they demanded she surrender all existing electronic equipment. The reason was the religious profession of her grandson.


The warrant for the search was signed by Judge Artem Ginter of the Lenin district court of Krasnoyarsk. The only reason for such actions was that her grandson, who professes the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, is registered to the woman's house. Liubov Mireniuk herself does not share this faith. Subsequent events turned into a real nightmare for the elderly woman. In the second half of the day, armed personnel climbed over a fence, broke into the house, and began a search, without identifying themselves or displaying any documents. They threatened a long prison term for her grandson, declaring that a criminal case on the "extremism" article had already been initiated. Liubov refused to believe this, knowing that her grandson is a decent and law-abiding person.


Liubov Mirenkuk has weak health and has not gone outside for a long time and she gets around the house with great difficulty. She was very frightened by the conduct of the armed people in masks. The pensioner's blood pressure rose dangerously high from the stress it caused. She did not get any written reports from the representatives of authority.


The search was sanctioned within the framework of a criminal case against Andrei Stupnikov, which has been dragging on since 3 July 2018. He is accused of "arranging the activity of an extremist organization: (part 1, article 282.2 of CC RF) for the only reason that he professes the religious views of Jehovah's Witnesses. (tr. by PDS, posted 8 August 2019)

Background article:

Jehovah's Witness nabbed as he tries to board plane
July 3, 2018

One year after arrest, Jehovah's Witness suspect is freed
July 3, 2019 

Russia Religion News Current News Items

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