Public resistance to Orthodox church construction in Belarus


Credo.Press, 29 August 2019


The collection of signatures of local residents against the construction of another building of the Moscow patriarchate has begun in the city of Orsha in the republic of Belarus. Initiators posted their appeal to the Orsha district executive committee in late August on the website


It is planned to build the church in the region of Zadneprov on Iosif Drozdovich Street. As writes, this will now be the fifth church of the Moscow patriarchate in this region of the city. And in little Orsha alone there happen to be 10 churches of the Belorussian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (BPTsMP).


The authors of the petition write: "The existing Orthodox churches in the city are, in our opinion, quite sufficient for believers. Even during feast day services, not all Orsha churches are well filled with people. Thus we suggest that the city absolutely does not need the new church that it is planned to build in Orsha.


Recently signatures of residents of another Belorussian city, Soligorsk, were collected against the construction of another BPTsMP church building. In just four days, 1,000 signatures were placed on a petition against construction of the church in a forest park near the new microdistrict No. 21, EvroRadio notes. Its authors maintain that there already is now in this city one parish for every 20,000 residents, which is the largest proportion in all of Belarus, and therefore yet another church, let alone one in a green zone, is not needed.


"In our city of 100,000, this will now be the ninth liturgical building of the BPTsMP," the local activist Natalia Trofimchuk explains. "Why do we need so many in the city? Besides, they are planning to build another in a small wooded park where people go to stroll. And they are planning to cut down this small patch of green for the sake of a church nobody needs." (tr. by PDS, posted 29 August 2019)

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