Ukrainian official has positive view of religious conditions


RISU, 7 November 2019


Minister of Culture, Youth, and Athletics Vladimir Borodiansky is sure that in inter-church relations, there are no critically acute conflicts. He spoke about this in an interview with RISU.


"Ukraine is a multiconfessional, multireligious country. I never knew about this, but we are the most protestant country of eastern Europe and the most Baptist in all of Europe as a whole. We have more than 100 religious denominations and 36 to 38 thousand registered religious organizations. In this regard our country is very colorful. In my view, if we look at such a context, we are living very peacefully. We have no clear, critically acute conflicts, judging by the monitoring that is conducted by the Department for Religious and Nationality Affairs," Borodiansky noted.


Responding to a question of whether there is in Ukraine a religious war, he said: "Religious war—I cannot say so. There are disputes and there is a complex dialogue, but war as such, as you say, of course not."


Borodiansky also said that in the event of religious bullying one should go to the police or to his ministry.


"If you know about such an incident, then in my view you, first, must turn either to law enforcement agencies or to us. In the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Athletics there is a monitoring function; we conduct monitoring and keep track of such things. And if we see a violation, we talk with those religious organizations, with their leaders and primates. If these violations are not removed, or there are extreme violations, then law enforcement agencies must work. Nobody can substitute his own law enforcement system. If any subject in the legislative field violates the law, there is a governmental system of prevention or punishment so that there will not be such violations or so that such violations be brought to accountability—administrative or criminal," the official emphasized. (tr. by PDS, posted 7 November 2019)

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