Moscow patriarchate states critical view of American values


Credo.Press, 10 November 2019


The chairman of the OVTsSMP [Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate], Metropolitan Ilarion, who recently returned from the U.S.A., where he was refused a reception by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, criticized on 9 November the decision of an American court, according to which an American, Jeffrey Younger, does not have the right to save his seven-year-old son from a sex change, on which his mother, Jeffrey's former wife, is insisting. She began dressing the boy in girls' clothing, enrolled her in child care under a girl's name, and wants to complete the process of sex change by means of chemical castration. The court took her side, reports.


Commenting on this incident at the request of the announcer of the program Church and World on state television Rossiia24, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow patriarchate acknowledged that America remains a very religious country—the percentage of Americans who attend church on Sundays is much greater than an analogous indicator in Russia. "But at the same time, we see that ever more and more space is being commandeered by the so-called secular liberal ideology, which is to a great extent anti-church and anti-Christian," he continued.


Ilarion called the practice of sex change and recognition of a multiplicity of genders in the U.S.A. "phantasmagoria." After stressing that in this case the issue is a minor child, Ilarion said: "It is one thing when a person reaches maturity and, as an adult, makes one choice or another; and it is quite another when a child is castrated. This woman should be put in jail for such a thing, but lawyers defended her position and she won the legal process. This gives evidence, in my view, about a very serious spiritual degradation of those people in the United States of America in whose hands power lies, including judicial."


"I have often met in America religious leaders," the chairman of OVTsSMP shared, "who complain that if they make a certain statement contradicting the current rules of political correctness, then they may be put in jail." (tr. by PDS, posted 11 November 2019)

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