Moscow patriarch stirs controversy at ecumenical gathering


In 2008, a schism occurred in the RPTsMP because of a similar summit

Credo.Press, 14 November 2019


Patriarch Kirill arrived for the second Baku summit of religious leaders of the world, which begins on 14 November. As the Communications Service of the OVTsSMP [Department for External Church Relations], at the Gaidar Aliev airport the primate of the RPTsMP was met by Archbishop of Baku and Azerbaijan Alexander; the ambassador of the Russian Federation to Azerbaijan, M.N. Bocharnikov; the ambassador of the Azerbaijan Republic to Russia, Polad Biulbiul Ogly, and the deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan, Az-ana Shakhin Mustafaev.


The delegation of the RPTsMP also included Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Ilarion; the director of the Administrative Secretariat of the Moscow patriarchate, Bishop of Pavlovo-Posasd Foma; the chairman of the synodal Department for Relations of Church and Society and News Media, V.R. Legoida; the vice-chairman of the OVTsSMP, Archimandrite Filaret; and the director of the Patriarchal Service of Protocol, Archpriest Andrei Bondarenko.


From the airport Kirill went to the Congress Center in the center of Azerbaijan's capital, where he addressed the second Baku summit of religious leaders of the world.


In his opinion, "a genuine war is going on against traditional religions." Without naming explicitly the culprits in this war, the patriarch of the RPTsMP indicated that they should be sought in certain "extremist movements," which draw in mainly the youth. The patriarch sees a puzzle in the success of "extremist ideology," in that religious people do not accept the "modern secular paradigm."


Having confronted extremism, the head of the RPTsMP concentrated on a critique of secularism (worldliness): "In society there is being actively promoted an image of religious organizations as antiquated and imposing a limited worldview and a non-modern understanding of morality. At the same time, along with religiosity, traditional morality is being rejected, like the notion of marriage as a union between a man and a woman and of the inviolability of human life from the moment of conception until natural death."


The patriarch expressed a thesis, doubtful from the point of view of Orthodox doctrine, that differences in faith and in doctrine do not impact "questions of public morality," and he urged that those Christians, Muslims, and Jews attending the summit together "testify to moral guidelines." At the same time, he urged the protection of the "identity and freedom of peoples."


Speaking about persecutions of Christians, the primate of the RPTsMP concentrated on instances occurring in the Near East and in Africa, remaining completely silent about those religious persecutions that are occurring on territory that he calls the "zone of canonical responsibility" of his own church.


Kirill said that the occasion for the summit was the 70th birthday of the leader of Azerbaijani Muslims, Sheikh-ul-Islama Allakhshukiur Pashazade. The patriarch awarded the sheikh the order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, first degree, which contains the image of the saint, which is forbidden in Islam, and the Orthodox cross. Why it was this order that was selected to be the award for the Muslim leader, the Communications Service of the OVTsSMP did not report.


The first world summit of religious leaders in Moscow in 2008 was accompanied by the separation from the RPTsMP of a group of clerics and laity led by Bishop of Anadyr and Chukotka Diomid, who considered that Metropolitan Kirill's speech at the summit stating that Christians of all confessions, Muslims, and Jews have the same god was a departure from Orthodox faith. Since that time, the number of "noncommemorating" clergy in the RPTsMP has only increased for various reasons and at the present time it has exceeded 200 persons, an observer for the portal Credo.Press reports. (tr. by PDS, posted 14 November 2019)

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