Parish safety in circumstances of pandemic


Interfax-Religiia, 18 May 2020


The Rostov-on-Don diocese prepared practical instructions for parishes and monasteries of the Don metropolia for the gradual exit from the regime of anti-epidemic restrictions.


"It is prohibited to enter the territory of a parish or monastery without a protective mask or a respirator. It is necessary to air out church buildings and working spaces every two to four hours," the official website of the diocese states.


It is also required to conduct wet cleaning before opening and after closing the church buildings. Every two to four hours, sanitize the church's icons that are accessible for veneration and the surfaces of church furniture that is in general use.


"Before the performance of the sacraments of baptism, anointing, and extreme unction, and blessing of homes, determine that those wishing to participate in the rituals do not have symptoms of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19)," the notice says.


In addition, it is required to minimize the possibility of kissing icons by parishioners, to refrain from anointing with oil altogether, or to conduct it with disposable cotton swabs, which are then incinerated. "Do not present the hand for kissing and distribute consecrated bread in disposable cups," the diocese directs.


According to information from the press service, performance of baptism is permitted only individually, followed by sanitizing the font twice. It is also required to limit the number of persons attending a wedding.


Besides all this, it is necessary to eliminate singing by large choirs, limiting the number to no more than three or four persons, who observe distancing between singers of at least two meters.


It is preferred to conduct divine services in the open air. It is also stated to suspend the work of Sunday schools, parish sections, and circles, and to prohibit church groups from conducting athletic, cultural, public, and other mass events until further notice. (tr. by PDS, posted 18 May 2020)

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